Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bring Our Kids to Work Day

I dragged my son out of bed at 6 this morning, brought him in the car pool and got him to the office just after 7. 

My plan was to make him come to the gym with me and give him a lesson in squatting. In order to get him in, however, I had to promise a maximum 30 minutes and McDonald's breakfast after. 

Moderate Success! Although he didn't want to go through the lesson, he did like the thought that squats would help his vertical. We got a few good sets of body weight squats out of him. He seemed a little self conscious that we were doing this in public, but he had pretty good body awareness for a 14 year old; he self-corrected his posture on his second set and was able to find that happy place where his weight was on his heels. 

I do need to get him working on mobility. Being young, he doesn't think he has to stretch. He needs to get some flexibility to push his knees out and turn his toes back in - I couldn't get him squatting with his feet at less than 45 degrees. At the end of the workout he could barely touch his toes when we were stretching out hammies. It will come, I just have to stay on him. 

Any advice for promoting mobility to my son, especially in terms of how it will help him with basketball? Leave it in the comments. 

20/10 Intervals on the treadmill. 8.5MPH. 8 minutes.

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