Thursday, November 1, 2012

Movember and Unscheduled PR - Deadlift Thursday

Happy Movember my friends.

Once again I will be bringing the fight against Men's cancers to my upper lip and growing a luxurious moustache for the next thirty days. My sheer force of will and with tips from Nick Offerman I have already made serious progress.

Right so maybe not, maybe I started 3 weeks early when I learned about Evil Abed and wanted a Goatee. All that is beside the point, because after growing a normal moustache the last two years my goal for 2012 is to grow the bushiest I've ever had. Even if I have to cheat by starting early.

That shouldn't change the fact that you must visit my Mo Page and support me by donating. Or join my quasi-official 70's Big Canada team and join the fight yourself.

Maybe it's the moustache but I had a great day in the gym. After my 5-3-1 programming I decided to drop 405# on the bar and see how hard it was to pick up.

Last year in December 405# was my 1RM. Today I hit a triple for a new PR, and it doesn't even feel like my 3RM. Testing this December is going to be fantastic.

295# x 3
330# x 3
370# x 7

403# x 3
Pendlay Rows
225# 3x5

Mobility: Rushed lunch workout. Quickly stretched and booked it, no real work.

Last night I ate piles of snack size chocolates. Like 10 boxes, pluys milk duds and chips. I'm not losing weight this week. 

Today I'm holding it down.  

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